Sunday, May 16, 2010

Five Hundred Village Trip

I made up my mind, studying is my goal in this deployment and I have started allocating two hours of my time at night to study. Lately, I have been so tired after work because I have been working on a major project of accounting equipment items for Communication and Electronic Division. I sure need help from the Afghan Army personnel working in the division to accomplish this projects but I have been working on my own, but eventually I will get my counter parts involve, I will get it started then they can finish it and maintain the list.

With work tasking, exercising, and studying, I no longer have the time to write or read blogs. Its too bad because I sure enjoying writing about my day. I did not even get a chance to tell about my experience during the trip to the five hundred villages. The Afghan Army took us to this village which is located just around the Log Command but first we went up to the mountain. The trip is scary, we rode in the Afghan's army vehicle, driving at the edge of the mountain to climb to the top, and when the vehicle no longer can climb up, we had to take it by foot and the hike was not easy. By the time we reached the top we were about 7,143 elevation. The hike was worth it, the view is spectacular. There is something about mountains, it takes my breath away (maybe because I had to hike up the mountain and was gasping for air). Being on top of the mountain made me appreciate the beauty that nature has to offer. After the trip to the mountain, we then went to the village and gave candies to the children. Overall, it was a very rewarding day.

This week, is my week of driving the humvee, I cannot believe it, am driving a humvee to work. I am getting the hang of it and it not as bad as the first day. If you were the passenger in my vehicle and if you really listen closely, you will hear my heart pounding so loud. Driving humvee is no fun for me, and if I never have to drive one, am okay with it. Afghanistan's road is not paved and if it is there are many ditches and it is a very bumpy ride. My greatest fear is hitting pedestrians, especially those women beggars that sit in the middle of the road. Luckily, no major incident. Next week, I am convoy commander for the week and I hope everything goes well. I am going to post a picture on my blog and see if I become successful with it and I chose a picture that over looks the five hundred village, it is so beautiful.

Check out the new layout of my blog, I learned it from a team mate from Combat Skill Training and I chose pink because I am a girl! So, no laughing at me. Until the new post. I love "Jumaa" because I had time to write on my blog today.

Monday, May 10, 2010

My Deployment Routine

For two weeks, no entries was made on my blog, the reason behind this neglect does not attributes to laziness, and there are two reasons. I have been reading a book: Gone Tomorrow by Lee Child and I enjoyed it so much I could not put the book down. Then I found myself, a work out/ gym partner, we have been exercising every day at 1700, and the work routine we have been following on the CD is called "Insanity". My day has been quickly passing by and soon it is time to leave Afghanistan.
I have a routine down, in the morning, my team convoys to work, and we stay at the Afghan Army base (Where I mentor the Electronic/Communication Division) until 1500. Then off we go to convoy home. When I arrived the Camp we are staying at, I have just enough time to get ready for the work out routine for that day. Then run some errands such as dropping laundry, showering and eating dinner. Finally at the end of the day, I enjoy my book and read for hours. Sometimes I have to convince myself that it is time for bed or I will be tired in the mornings. And this is my routine. However, I have to find time to study for my next stripe and I have not calculated/ incorporated that in my schedule.
Now that I have finished my book, I have told myself it is time to study. I will stop leisure reading and replace it with studying. Then, I have to make a point to write on my blog as well. So little time, so many plans.