The week (Aug 14-19) started off really slow. The convoy trip was quite and as a right rear in the MTV, with a very small window to look out, the task of staying vigilant is the only difficult part as a passenger. This week I had difficulty sleeping, and would stay up until two in the morning. Normally I wake up around five in the morning which gives me time to run/exercise then shower and eat chow, but not this week, not once this week did I step foot at the dinning facility to eat breakfast. I woke up 30 minutes prior to show time, so I had to rush getting ready for work. I am always the first one to the vehicle and get the PMCS completed (get the vehicles ready) but not this week, I was the last one. By the time I arrived, everything that needs to be accomplished on the vehicle was done which I kinda enjoyed, a break from my everyday routine.
Another change in my routine, instead of running at the track, this week I walked around the FOB, along the perimeter of the wall. At each stretch of the wall is a lookout post. I have met an Army personnel, who was sweet enough to give us a tour of each lookout post. Each post was manned by one Army private and with a big gun, I rather not say what type of weapon for security reasons. But one thing for sure, I am glad they are armed and ready. I did not realize that our FOB is next to several villages. I always thought the FOB was secluded from communities. As I climbed up the stairs of the look out post, Afghan children will flock near the wall to say hello. I would speak to them in Dari and they insist they can speak English. Matter of fact, they spoke good English, better than my English. While I communicated back in Dari or "Pashtu", to practice my new learned language, I had a blast just talking to the Afghan children. How I wish I brought my camera or at least brought some candies to give to the children. I think I had climbed about a dozen of these lookout post and saw every angle of the FOB. It was a fun day.
This week (Aug 19-26) I decided to record a clip of the "Smokey Trail", as I call it, which is one of the routes to work. One must have a light breakfast when traveling this road, because by the end of the trip, you will for use feel sick to your stomach. I only took a 25 seconds video clip but this road goes on forever. Okay, am exaggerating maybe less than 20 minutes.